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[讨论] 【原创】QQ自由幻想怎样赚钱


炫目火舞: 其实好多玩家都可以通过自己勤劳的手,使自己得到足够花的游戏金币。只是很多的人不愿意去为这份机会辛苦和坚持。我是公测开始玩自由幻想的,当时我跟很多玩家一样,经常为了游戏的金币不够花而苦恼,比如:没有游戏币就无法学习技能,没有游戏币就无法购买补药。曾几何时,我也想过放弃。

可是有一天,我在拿自己攒了很久的钱给自己加工装备的时候,我的身边出现了一个黄金剑客。他告诉我,如果我想有能加工好装备的成本,就应该想办法赚到足够的钱!而方法他只教我一次!我听了之后恍然大悟,立刻虚心请教。 原来,赚钱如此轻松,只要肯吃苦!致富不是梦!下面我为大家介绍一下我的致富经验。

我所学的赚钱方法就是卖矿。如何卖矿和收矿,才会使得自己能多赚少赔呢?首先,你必须对自由幻想抱有良好心态,开两个自由幻想程序,一个大号,一个10级左右的小号,在游戏相关资料网上找到矿怪常刷出的地点,比如论坛的矿点大揭露 这里,就有详细的矿点解析。按照资料上所说的地方,开始开启自动打怪进行挖矿。当然了,这里所要提到的就是需要足够的耐心,点击每一个小时都会出现的神医验证码。

挖矿的时间可以选择在休息时间来进行,等到挖到一定数量的矿之后,就可以去合矿了。合矿要看运气。先合铁矿石之类的小矿,如果失败次数过多,就开始合成金矿石之类的值钱矿,依次类推把合好的成品矿卖出去。累积资金差不多的时候可以开店收矿石了!低价收进,高价卖出。比如:流光白金的收购市场价是700银币一个。那我们就可以用710或者720隐蔽的价格收购。差不多的时候再高价卖出。保险起见,为了不使自己亏损,一般都收购原矿自己合然后再卖出,再收购,如此循环。 那么说到这里,我想很多人都想知道,到底哪种矿的市场行情比较好呢?那我继续为大家来说说。

首先,我觉得,就我自己加工成的装备而言,最需要的是孔矿和加工矿。我本人比较偏向孔矿。比如:火铜,天外异石等低成本的孔矿。风险又不大,而且利润高!虽然钱是赚的慢一点,但是至少慢工出细活嘛!什么不都是积少成多么?其次,我觉得是流光白金,金髓矿石等合成风险较大的孔矿,之后比较难卖的就是太阴魂石了。就这种比率,我的火铜利润就占50%左右。 在矿的市场,都是波动不定的,所以一定要随时关注矿价的波动,这也是一件很辛苦的事情!但是,不经历风雨,哪能见彩虹?

所以,辛苦必定有收获。当我得到第一笔自己赚的游戏金币时,差点激动到流泪!现在我每个月的收入除去成本,利润都达到百金以上。 其实,在我辛苦赚钱的同时,我的身边还有很多支持我鼓励我的朋友。为了赚钱有的时候很少帮助家族的兄弟姐妹。我觉得对不起大家,所以,我赚的钱,很多都给了家族族长,让她能够有资金为家族的升级带来动力。我很感谢我们的组长冰儿,还感谢我的口区口土大哥,真的是感谢的人太多了
太长了 这是什么时候的了还发

Bank failed apt nail the reason artificial passboo

Suqian public Bin of $ 50,000 in cash in the bank, then remove the portion, tin be base even when the work withdrawals, list 13,950 yuan really missing, one inquiry was taking a bank in Hunan to go. Angry that the bank failed to fulfill his duties, does not recognize the counterfeit book, that led to their deposits, Court of First Instance of the requisition to advocate Wang Bin, a unattached sentence bank according to the immediately lost. But the banks appealed his conviction appeal. March 24, Suqian City Court listening ashore the case of second example, that Bin password unfit care of their own books, should bear secondary responsibility; bank too failed to certify that the vocational review done to all obligations, should bear the basic liability Therefore, either taken away by others for 13,950 yuan wastage duty to  
deposits strange theft

13950 元 banks in the provinces was actually removed

This incident occurred in November 2008, Wang Bin Suqian folk in the regional open a bank account deposit 5 million in cash, this deposit can prop books and debit card deposit and withdrawal in the nation, to be sure, Bin set a password to the account. After two days, Wang Bin has removed part of the money from the bank. End of the month, when Wang Bin went to the bank to extract the remaining 14,000 yuan when the impact to find that account only 50 yuan, 13,950 yuan has disappeared.  
Bin fear quickly, and detect their own cash bank reconciliation procedures, requiring banks lost the money paid. But the banks refused apt provide restriction procedures, demanding that the money in a shire in Hunan, the day before by others with a bank passbook withdrawal. The curious object namely, Bin did not even been to Hunan, and bank cards and writings have been installed in the body, is no lost.  
this case, Wang Bin, that banks from ATM without checking identification cards, forged bank passbook not be identified, leading to their deposits extracted by others, there is a serious dereliction of obligation, should be repaid by the suffered losses. Repeated performances, the bank refused compensation, Wang Bin had to bank to tribunal.  
the face of litigation, the banks debated that grievances, Wang Bin, the money lost cause for he dripped the password, and password banks do not understand, according to the regulations, only the early withdrawal of period deposits, alternatively deposit withdrawals on $ 50,000, merely absence to check the customer ID, and the case was cleared is 10,000 yuan of demand deposits, so no need to check client identification, it should not be liable because breaks.  
Court of First Instance surveyed, Wang Bin and banks in the approval the two sides did agree: Bin should reserve account password, disclosure of the password for the losses caused by themselves. Wang Bin, the cash in the bank, the parties that the contractual relationship created savings, passbook, bank cards for both the compact documents. Responsibility to ensure safety of bank deposits, and depositors obligation of confidentiality at the same time nail fake books, bank cards, etc., but also the obligation of banks.  
Court that the present case, the bank claimed Bin absence of good attach to your password, but did not provide evidence. Even so, even if Bin reveal the password, whether the disloyal books, bank cards can not be identified by the bank, Wang Bin, or can not take away the deposits. As the banks failed to identify the fake books, the loss of Bin should bear full responsibility. Earlier this year, Bank of compensation for court Bin 13,950 yuan.  
Court upheld

depositors did not keep a nice password to bear 4 percent responsibility

Bank against first-instance ruling on March 2 this annual to the Court of Appeal in Suqian , there are three main reasons: First, according to regulations, depositors set the password, only I know, the bank will not know the password, which concluded that this case can only reveal the password Bin himself. The second is the premier instance of fares, and Wang Bin, the formation of fashionable contractual relationship. Third, a decision-oriented, such for by the first instance ruling, depositors do not bear responsibility for disclosure of the password, are likely to cause financial fraud and additional crimes against banks.  
3 24, Suqian City Court upheld the trial. The court found that the deposit is being forged in a bank passbook in Hunan removed, and withdrawals for a password and set alongside the same Bin, Wang Bin, but did not divulge the password can not be certified.  
court held that the savings affair in the deposit and withdrawal, members of the public accounts to save money the bank is Bank; Bank branches around the commission may withdraw money or other creations, correspondent banks are Bank The latter agent business once the problems, the Bank take responsibility for the case of Hunan, a bank agency business is not liable for damages. Moreover, Wang Bin, the Bank can not prove that the professional review done all obligations, should bear the loss of Wang Bin, rift of contract.  
As Wang Bin fault should bear the responsibility, the second trial that the deposit password only I know thateven the Bank operational staff, can not be transferred through the computer to elect up his password, so the password Bin bears the obligation to keep, it is because he is not cautious, so that the password is only known to others. Bin breach of the confidentiality agreement savings contract, the deposit was impersonator has a fault, it should be held accountable.  
second instance that the present case, the resulting deposit was impersonator Wang Bin, there are two reasons, First, the bank failed to Kejin review obligations, identify fake book, the second is not Bin custody of the password Yan, causing the leak. The size of the division of responsibilities, financial institutions, as the administrator of asset, responsibility to ensure the safety of depositors' funds obligations, shortcoming to properly fulfill its obligations caused the loss of depositors, should bear the primary responsibility; Bin improper storeroom of passwords, should bear secondary responsibility. Day, both sides accustomed the court of second instance shall the obligation of compensation for 60% of the bank, Wang Bin own 40%. Concerned that the Bank can talk with the agency to carry out revitalization.  
(Paper party is not his real label)
(edit: SN003)
.....什么和什么啊  现在都什么年代了 活跃值白送啊