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标题: 【本周主打】A New Day Has Come [打印本页]

作者: 冷冷妃紫    时间: 2006-8-10 08:42     标题: 【本周主打】A New Day Has Come


歌手:Celine Dion     专辑:A New Day Has Come  
A New Day Has Come

A new day has come,  A new day has come,

I was waiting for so long,   for a miracle to come,
Everyone told me to be strong,   hold on, and don't shed a tear,
Through the darkness and good times,  I knew I'd make it through,
And the world thought i had it all,   but I was waiting for you,

Hush, love,  I see a light in the sky,
Oh, it's almost blinding me,  I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love,

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears, Let it fill my soul and drown my fears,
Let it shatter the wall for a new son,A new day has come,  A new day has come,

Where it was dark now there's light,  Where there was pain now there's joy,
Where there was weakness, I've found my strength,  Oh, in the eyes of a boy,

Hush, love,  I see a light in the sky,
Oh, it's almost blinding me,  I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love,
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears,  Let it fill my soul and drown my fears,
Let it shatter the wall for a new son,
A new day has come,  A new day has come,

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears,  Let it fill my soul and drown my fear,
Let it shatter the wall for a new son,
A new day has come,   Oooh, a light,
Hush, now,   I see a light in your eyes,
Oh, in the eyes of a boy,
I can't believe I've been touched by an angel, with love,
I can't believe I've been touched by an angel, with love,
Hush, now,  Hush, now.

英文名:Celine Dion
        Celine Dion于1968年3月30日出生于加拿大魁北克省的Charlemange(位于距蒙特娄东边30英里的小城)上有八个姊姊五个哥哥, Celine排行最小。父母亲均是音乐家经营着一家小型的俱乐部。周末时全家会上台表演一娱当地民众。Celine在五岁时便开始与她的兄弟姊妹同台演出,并很快地培养出现场演出的实力。在她12岁时她与母亲和一位哥哥写出一首法语歌,后来demo tape引起了经纪人Rene Angelil(也就是她未来的经纪人兼丈夫)的兴趣。在1981的一月Rene由于深深被Celine的声音打动,下定决心要把Celine变为国际巨星,他甚至不惜抵押自己的房子贷款来资助Celine第一张专集的发行。也在1982年Celine的天份开始光芒四射。她在东京赢得Yamaha World Song Festival的桂冠。83年她成为第一位在法国得到金唱片的加拿大艺人。对她才能的肯定就从此开始了。到1988年, Celine已在自己的家乡Quebec省建立起响亮的名声。她享受超级明星的地位,得到众多的Felix Awards,并且也拿到白金唱片。同年她在爱尔兰的都柏林夺得著名的Eurovision Song Contest,在那她在600万来自欧洲,前苏联,中东,日本及澳洲的电视机前的观众现场演出。Celine在国际上有所突破是在她为Disney的卖座电影"Beauty and Beast"录制主题曲。此歌不但成为第一名也拿到一座奥斯卡和Grammy Award。"Beauty and Beast"为Celine的第二张英语专集"Celine Dion"立下里程碑。那张专集又制造出另外四首金曲,Love Can Move Mountains,Water From The Moon, If You Asked Me To & Did You Give Enough Love.这张专集在加拿大创下六张白金专集的佳绩。但是Celine真正是以"The Colour of My Love"这张专集实现使自己成为时代最重要的流行歌星之一。再一次,这张专集又包括另一首电影主题曲:她与英国歌手Clive Griffin合唱出现在票房大胜的"Sleepless in Seatle"为人钟爱的"When I Fall in Love"。而另外还包括重新诠释1985年Jennifer Rush的金曲"Power of Love"。这张专集也证明了Celine不但对情歌有一套(If You Asked Me To, The Colour Of My Love)唱起舞曲也不含糊。

         Celine Dion经常发行现场专辑,包括各种英语和法语现场专辑,这张《A new day has come》专辑是她在拉斯维加斯超大规模的"A New Day演唱会”的现场专辑。而这张现场专辑在发行之后的首周就售出了5万8千多张,在美国Billboard 200排行榜上名列第十,创下了这位加拿大天后的现场专辑在美国的最好排名。
        对于席琳迪翁大家最熟悉的应该是《my heart will go on》,不过太熟悉了总有听烂的感觉,个人比较喜欢这首《A new day has come》,简单干净的旋律。
作者: 冷冷妃紫    时间: 2006-8-10 16:20

作者: SzAngel    时间: 2006-8-11 00:51



作者: SzAngel    时间: 2006-8-11 00:53


作者: 冷冷妃紫    时间: 2006-8-11 09:49

作者: SzAngel    时间: 2006-8-11 11:58


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