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【今日推荐】what my heart wants to say

[wmv=360,65,1]http://fs5.139.com/0/790/790654/sound/2006617554524540.mp3 [/wmv]


You´re amazing
so amazing
have I told you
you´re my angel
guardian angel
god knows I´ve been blessed with love

But if I been gone tomorrow
would you know how deep my loves goes
have I ever told you
you´re the one

If the words don´t come my way
hope its still love
hope it still shows
if the words don´t come my way
hope you still know what my heart wants to say

Words so tender
I surrender
to this feeling
so true
my affirmation
my inspiration
darling I have been blessed with you

If the words don´t come my way
hope you still know
hope it still shows
if the words don´t come my way
I hope you still know what my heart wants to say

But if I be gone tomorrow
would you know how deep my loves goes
if I was gone forever
would you know how much I care

You make me feel like flying
and failing all emotion
that everytime you look at me
you see it in my eyes

If the words don´t come my way
I hope you still know

if the words don´t come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows

If the words don´t come my way
I hope you still know
what my heart wants to say

If the words don´t come my way
I hope you still know
hope it still shows

If the worst don´t come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
I hope still you know
what my heart wants to say

葛瑞盖斯的首张大碟《What My Heart Wants To Say我心声处》发行首周雷霆登陆英国金榜亚军,首首都是纯度超真的心声告白,包括:感动“Pop Idol”1300万收视观众、蝉连英国金榜3周冠军、同时获得英国金榜年度唱片奖的"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律",2002年7月初空降英国金榜冠军风采迷人力作"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)我们都会错",再造猫王经典跨世纪冠军神采的"Suspicious Minds猜疑的心"(迪士尼金奖提名动画片《星际宝贝》片尾曲),2002年圣诞假期闯进英国金榜TOP 5的自我表白小品"What My Heart Wants To Say我心声处"。葛瑞盖斯的歌唱实力在2003年的全英音乐奖上获得见证,"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)我们都会错"包办最佳流行单曲双项提名,自己也入围最佳流行艺人。素有英国乐坛指标的Smash Hits杂志更颁发“最佳流行新人奖”、“最佳男艺人”、“最性感男艺人”、“最佳拖把奖”(*发型)等4项大奖。此时的葛瑞盖斯真是意气风发!任谁也无法抗拒他的巨星锋芒!

[ 本帖最后由 冷冷妃紫 于 2006-10-24 17:20 编辑 ]